Purchase Completed
When a purchase is completed, we send this event containing information about the person who made the transaction, the amounts to be paid, and the payment dates.
You can use the _links
to navigate related resources for this event.
Path: /purchase
Webhook payload object
Key | Type | Description |
id | string | Purchase identifier. |
status | string | Purchase status. Possible values: WAITING_CUSTODY - Awaiting custody |
tax | number | Rate assigned to the purchase. |
days | integer | Advance term in days. |
paymentDate | long | Purchase payment date. |
grossPaymentValue | number | Gross payment value. |
netPaymentValue | number | Net payment value. |
buyerId | integer | Investor identifier. |
buyerName | string | Name of the investor. |
buyerGovernmentId | string | Investor's EIN. |
sponsorId | integer | Anchor identifier. |
sponsorName | string | Name of the anchor. |
sponsorPersonType | string | Type of entity of the anchor. Possible values: LEGAL_PERSON - Legal entityNATURAL_PERSON - Individual |
sponsorGovernmentId | string | Anchor’s EIN. |
sponsorExternalCode | string | External code of the anchor. |
sponsorAddress | string | EAnchor’s address line 1. |
sponsorAddressNumber | string | Anchor’s address number. |
sponsorAddressComplement | string | Anchor’s address line 2. |
sponsorNeighborhood | string | Anchor’s neighborhood. |
sponsorCity | string | Anchor’s city. |
sponsorState | string | Anchor’s state. |
sponsorCountry | string | Anchor’s country. |
sponsorZipCode | string | Anchor’s zip code. |
sponsorBank | string | Anchor’s bank routing number. |
sponsorAgency | string | Bank agency code of the anchor (without digit). |
sponsorAccount | string | Anchor’s bank account. |
sponsorAccountDigit | string | Digit of the anchor’s bank account. |
sellerId | integer | Supplier’s identifier. |
sellerName | string | Name of the supplier. |
sellerPersonType | string | Type of entity of the supplier. Possible values: LEGAL_PERSON - Legal entityNATURAL_PERSON - Individual |
sellerGovernmentId | string | Supplier’s EIN. |
sellerAddress | string | Supplier’s address line 1. |
sellerAddressNumber | string | Supplier’s address number. |
sellerAddressComplement | string | Supplier’s address line 2. |
sellerNeighborhood | string | Supplier’s neighborhood. |
sellerCity | string | Supplier’s city. |
sellerState | string | Supplier’s state. |
sellerCountry | string | Supplier’s country. |
sellerZipCode | string | Supplier’s zip code. |
sellerBank | string | Supplier’s bank routing number. |
sellerAgency | string | Bank agency code of the supplier. (without digit). |
sellerAgencyDigit | string | Digit of the supplier’s bank agency. |
sellerAccount | string | Supplier’s bank account. |
sellerAccountDigit | string | Digit of the supplier’s bank account. |
coobrigation | boolean | Co-obligation. |
createdAt | long | Resource creation date. |
items | array | Array containing the items of this purchase. |
items[][id] | string | Item identifier. |
items[][receivableUuid] | string | Invoice identifier on the platform. |
items[][externalId] | string | External invoice identifier. (Up to 255 characters) |
items[][assetType] | string | Asset type. Possible values: DUPLICATA_MERCANTIL - Commercial invoiceCHEQUE - CheckCONTRATOS - ContractsCONTRATO_FISICO - Physical contractMULTIPLOS - MultipleNOTA_SERVICO - Service invoiceCARTAO_CREDITO - Credit cardDIREITOS_CREDITORIOS - Credit rights |
items[][performed] | boolean | Performed. |
items[][operationType] | string | Transaction type. Possible values: PRE - FixedPOS - FloatingPRE_POS - Fixed/Floating. |
items[][invoiceType] | string | Invoice type. Possible values: NOTA_FISCAL_ELETRONICA - Digital invoiceNOTA_FISCAL_CONSUMIDOR_ELETRONICA -Digial retail invoice NOTA_FISCAL_SERVICOS_ELETRONICA - Digital service invoice CONHECIMENTO_TRANSPORTE_ELETRONICO - Digital transportation invoice MEIOS_PAGAMENTO_ELETRONICO - Other digital payment methodCONTRATOS - Contracts |
items[][invoiceDate] | long | Invoice date. |
items[][invoiceNumber] | string | Invoice number. (Up to 255 characters) |
items[][invoiceKey] | string | Invoice key. (Up to 255 characters) |
items[][installment] | integer | Installment related to the invoice. Used only when the invoice is paid in installments. When paid in full, the default value is 1. |
items[][totalInstallment] | integer | Total installments related to the invoice. Used only when the invoice is paid in installments. When paid in full, the default value is 1. |
items[][paymentValue] | number | Invoice amount. |
items[][paymentDate] | long | Invoice due date. |
items[][status] | string | Purchase status. Possible values: WAITING_CUSTODY - custody pending. |
items[][tax] | number | Rate applied to purchase item. |
items[][sellerPaymentValue] | number | Amount paid to supplier. |
items[][sponsorTax] | number | Rate of rebate to anchor attributed to the purchase item. |
items[][sponsorPaymentValue] | number | Amount payable to anchor. |
items[][penaltyBill] | number | Penalty fee. |
items[][interestLatePayment] | number | Late payment interest. |
_links | object | Resources available through HATEOAS. More informartion here. Available resources are: seller - supplier data listsponsor - anchor data listpurchase - list this purchasepurchases -list all purchases of the investorsignature - list the sign off of the purchase. |
Webhook payload example
"sponsorAddress":"ROD. SP 080 KM 75,1",
"sponsorCity":"São Paulo",
"sponsorBank": "033",
"sellerAddress":"Rua Monte Aprazável",
"sellerCity":"São Paulo",
Updated 7 months ago