Supplier Registration Update
When a supplier updates their registration on the platform, this event is sent containing the updated registration data and the link to the submitted documentation.
You can use the _links
to navigate directly related resources for this event. Through the documents
link, you can download the supplier’s documents.
EventType: SellerUpdatedEvent
Path: /seller
Webhook payload object
Key | Type | Description |
buyerId | integer | Investor identifier. |
sellerId | integer | Supplier identifier. |
name | string | Name of the supplier. |
governmentId | string | EIN of the supplier. |
companyName | string | Name of the supplier. |
fantasyName | string | DBA name of the supplier. |
foundationDate | long | Founding date of the supplier. |
mainPhone | string | Main business phone of the supplier. |
phone | string | Mobile phone of the supplier. |
alternativePhone | string | Additional phone of the supplier. |
address | string | Address line 1 of the supplier. |
addressNumber | string | Street number of the supplier. |
addressComplement | string | Address line 2 of the supplier. |
neighborhood | string | Neighborhood of the supplier. |
city | string | City of the supplier. |
state | string | State of the supplier. |
country | string | Country of the supplier. |
zipCode | string | ZIP code of the supplier. |
activityCode | string | CNAE (Economic Activities Classification) of the supplier. |
legalNature | string | Type of corporate structure of the supplier. Possible values: LTDA , SA ou OTHER |
personType | string | Type of entity of the grantor. Possible values: LEGAL_PERSON - Legal entityNATURAL_PERSON - Individual |
email | string | Email of the supplier. |
minimumNumberSignatures | integer | Minimum number of signatures. |
minimumInvoiceNumberSignatures | integer | Minimum number of invoice signatures. |
eventType | string | Event type. |
legalResponsibles | array[object] | List of legal representative of this supplier. |
legalResponsibles[][name] | string | Name of the legal representative. |
legalResponsibles[][governmentId] | string | SSN of the legal representative. |
legalResponsibles[][type] | string | Relationship of the legal representative to the supplier. Possible values: PARTNER - PartnerSHAREHOLDER - ShareholderADMINISTRATOR - AdministratorDIRECTOR - DirectorCONSULTANT - Consultant |
legalResponsibles[][birthdayDate] | long | Birthday of the legal representative. |
legalResponsibles[][documentType] | string | Type of document. Possible values: CNH - DL (Driver's License)RG - SID (State ID)PASSPORT - Passport |
legalResponsibles[][documentNumber] | string | Document number according to the informed type. |
legalResponsibles[][phone] | string | Phone of the legal representative. |
legalResponsibles[][email] | string | Email of the legal representative. |
legalResponsibles[][sign] | boolean | Whether the legal representative signs for the company. |
legalResponsibles[][signatureType] | string | Type of signature. Possible values: NOT_SIGN - Not signINDIVIDUALLY_SIGN - Individually signSIGN_IN_GROUP - Sign in group |
legalResponsibles[][financialAuthority] | boolean | Whether the legal representative has financial authority. |
legalResponsibles[][financialAuthorityValue] | string | Amount of the financial authority. |
_links | object | Resources available through HATEOAS. More information here. Resources available: approve - Approve supplier.unapprove - Disapprove supplier.documents - Download of supplier’s documentsupdate - Change risk group of the supplier.self - List supplier data.sellers - List all suppliers. |
Webhook payload example
"address":"Rua A",
"addressComplement":"Sala 02",
"city":"São Paulo",
"email":"[email protected]",
"minimumNumberSignatures": 1,
"minimumInvoiceNumberSignatures": 0,
"name":"Gilberto Ferreira",
"email":"[email protected]",
"sign": true,
"signatureType": "SIGN_IN_GROUP",
"financialAuthority": true,
"financialAuthorityValue": 2000000,00
Updated 7 months ago